Understanding the Different TMT Bar Grades and Their Performance

Understanding the Different TMT Bar Grades and Their Performance

TMT (Thermo-Mechanically Treated) bars are fundamental to construction and are also available in various grades that signify their strength and quality. Hence, many a time people get confused about which grade to choose for their project.  These grades play a pivotal role in determining a structure’s durability, resilience, and safety against external forces. The grading...

What Is The Difference Between Fe500 & Fe500D TMT Bars?

What Is The Difference Between Fe500 & Fe500D TMT Bars?

TMT bars are the backbone of every construction project. From foundations to slabs to beams and pillars, each and every part of construction requires a TMT. The wrong grade of TMT bars will definitely have a negative impact on the structure. It will be weak and won’t adapt to the temperature on the outside. Why...