TMT Bars
Our TMT rebars undergo a unique thermo-mechanical treatment to produce low-carbon TMT bars. The overall production of TMT bars takes three key stages. In the first stage, the accumulated iron ore and coal are fed into the furnace to produce a molten structure.
In the second stage, the molten iron is processed in the basic oxygen furnace to remove carbon impurities by producing carbon dioxide. The stove produces steel from the molten iron. For further chemical refining, a ladle furnace processes the resultant steel. Here, the steel becomes free from various chemical impurities such as sulfur and phosphorus.
In the next stage, a continuous casting machine transforms the molten metal into billets. The billets undergo three contiguous stages such as quenching, tempering, and atmospheric cooling.
Under the quenching and tempering process, the billets receive repeated high heating and instant cooling treatments. Backed by this treatment, the TMT bars form a hard martensite layer outside and a soft core inside. The atmospheric cooling process allows the bar to come to an average temperature with the help of a unique cooling bed. The process results in a ductile inner core to make a flexible TMT bar.