top-rated TMT bars manufacturers
How to Choose the Best TMT Steel Bar Manufacturer for Your Home

How to Choose the Best TMT Steel Bar Manufacturer for Your Home

It takes time and effort to make a house a home. A home acts as a shield to protect us from external influences. That is why people invest in making the place perfect to have all the essence of a home. No one wants to risk the quality of the construction of a house. It requires considerable financial investment to build a house from scratch. Would you choose any replacement of TMT bars to form the skeleton of your house? Certainly not! Right? The correct grade of TMT bars can offer all the strength and sustainability to the house. This article emphasizes the need to choose TMT steel bars for manufacturing your home. It also guides in selecting the best TMT steel bar manufacturer from all the available alternatives. Continue reading to make an informed decision for choosing the best TMT bars for your construction project. 

How are TMT Bars Manufactured?

TMT bars are thermo-mechanically treated bars that are integral to RCC construction. The TMT bars are developed in three key stages. These stages are discussed below.

 Conversion of Iron Ore into Molten Iron

In this stage, the iron ore, fluxes and coal are collected from respective locations and stacked before putting into the furnace. The iron ore fines are agglomerated into pellets and sinters to enhance the iron content in the mixture. The coal is also converted into coke for later use. The iron ore, coke and sinters are out into the blast furnace and heated at high temperatures. The high temperature transforms the iron ore, coke and sinters into a molten form. The impurities being lighter than the molten form slag and float above it.

 Conversion of Molten Iron into Steel

In this stage, the molten iron is put into a basic oxygen furnace where oxygen is injected into the molten iron heated at a high temperature. The oxygen reacts with carbon and produces carbon dioxide. This process reduces carbon content in the iron and transforms it into steel. After this, the steel is put in a ladle heating furnace, heated to 900-degree celsius. It makes the steel desulphurised and dephosphorized. The process helps remove various inert gasses and impurities in the system. After this, the molten metal is put in a continuous casting machine to form billets.

 Hot Rolling and Thermo Mechanical Treatment

In this stage, the hot rolled steel bar is subjected to quenching, self-tempering and atmospheric cooling. The quenching process introduces a new heating treatment where the hot rolling bar is cooled with the help of water spray. It helps to harden the outer layer of the steel bar. But, the temperature of the inner core remains high. The temperature transferred from the core to the body helps to make the outer layer harder. This makes the outer layer tempered martensite, and the inner core remains austenitic. After the self tempering process, the bars are put on a special cooling bed. It decreases the inner core’s temperature and transforms it into a ductile ferrite-pearlite structure. This way, the resultant TMT bars develop a martensite outer layer and ductile inner core. 

The top-rated TMT bars manufacturers manipulate the complete process of TMT bars manufacturing to ensure high flexibility, ductility, weldability and elongation of TMT bars. However, the leading TMT bars manufacturing companies ensure that the key parameters remain within the limit mentioned in the ISO standard. This way, pure TMT bars are formed in different controlled manufacturing systems. 

Why are TMT bars Necessary for Constructing Buildings? 

Pure TMT bars are responsible for building a sturdy structure and sustainability. TMT bars develop the skeleton of the building. Engineers cannot imagine constructing residential buildings without using TMT bars. Thus, it acts as an important part of constructing buildings.

Apart from this, the TMT bars’ and concrete’s thermal expansion ratios are the same. Under the influence of heat, the TMT bars and concrete will expand in the same range. It will reduce the chances of developing any cracks or breakage. The concrete forms good bonding with TMT bars. Using concrete and TMT bars ensures that the structure of the building will be strong and sturdy.

It is not unusual to face seismic threats or earthquakes, however mild in strength. In that scenario, TMT bars’ high elongation can help absorb the seismic pressure through expansion and contraction. It helps to hold the structure of the building tight and intact so that the chances of collapsing the building diminish. 

Modern building architecture requires adjusting the TMT bars to offer modern structures. The flexibility of the TMT bars becomes very useful in this scenario. The easy-to-weld feature of pure TMT bars allows engineers to join two TMT bars easily without any hassle. That is why the architectures can take risks in offering modern buildings innovative structures to make them look stylish.

These are the key reasons engineers prefer selecting TMT bars offered by top-rated manufacturers in Kolkata. They demand products of optimum quality that can easily absorb seismic pressure, sustain in high temperatures, be unaffected by humid weather, and many other benefits necessary to use in manufacturing your home.  

How to Choose the Best TMT Steel Bars for Manufacturing Homes? 

The TMT bars suppliers offer pure TMT bars from top-rated TMT bars manufacturers. However, engineers often find it challenging to choose the best TMT bars from vast choices to select from. The TMT bars of leading manufacturers of TMT bars differ in the manufacturing process. The IS: 1786 standard for the TMT bars manufacturing process defines the limits of the tensile stress, yield strength, and other properties. However, different companies ensure different degrees of tensile stress and yield stress for TMT bars, making them appropriate for construction projects. Engineers must follow specific guidelines when selecting the best TMT steel bars for manufacturing homes. This section discusses various factors to consider for procuring the required TMT bars. 

Strength and Flexibility of TMT Bars

If you are procuring TMT bars for manufacturing your home, you must understand the specific requirement of the construction. Constructing a home in favorable environmental conditions does not require TMT bars of high tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation ratio. You can choose Fe-415 grade TMT bars. It is the most basic range of TMT bars, with minimum yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation of 415N/mm2, 485N/mm2, and 14.5%, respectively. These TMT bars will offer considerable strength and flexibility to sustain the building structure for an extended period under the influence of mild seismic pressure, heat, and other influences.

However, if the area where the building will be constructed is in an earthquake-prone area, you will require pure TMT bars, which have higher yield strength, tensile stress, and elongation ratio. In that scenario, it is better to choose the TMT bars of grade Fe-500. This grade has minimum yield stress, tensile strength, and elongation of 500 N/mm2, 545 N/mm2, and 12%, respectively.

The leading TMT bars manufacturers ensure that the yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation ratio remain above the minimum benchmark and below the maximum limit. This is where pure TMT bars differ in quality from other competing TMT bars available in the industry. You must communicate with the company to understand their offerings if you want to procure TMT bars from Maan TMT bars. You can also visit their factory located in Kolkata to take more informed decisions under the influence of high competition and innumerable varieties. 

Grade of the TMT Bars

You will be amazed to know that even the Fe-415 grade of TMT bars is available in different varieties to become useful for different construction requirements. The three varieties of Fe-415 grade TMT bars are Fe-415, Fe-415D, and Fe-415S. Fe-415 is the most basic version. It is useful for small-scale residential construction projects. Fe-415D is highly ductile. This grade of TMT bars is useful for medium-scale and modern residential construction projects. Fe-415S TMT bars are effective for residential construction projects where there is strong seismic influence. The minimum yield stress of Fe-415, Fe-415D, and Fe-415S grades is 415 N/mm2. However, Fe-415S has a maximum yield stress of 540N/mm2. The elongation percentage of Fe-415, Fe-415D, and Fe-415S grades is 14.5%, 18%, and 20%, respectively. The sole purpose of offering TMT bars in different varieties of grades is to make them appropriate for any type of construction project. 

Today, residential construction takes different forms. High-end residential projects must be effectively earthquake-resistant so that high-rise residential projects become sturdy and long-lasting. Apart from this, the advancement of the real estate sector in India has created a trend of developing multi-storied buildings. The structure of rooms in the top layer becomes vulnerable to seismic pressure and the influence of adverse weather. It can cause cracks and damage to the building structure. That is why choosing the appropriate grade offered by the leading TMT bars manufacturing company becomes significant in ensuring the stability of the building.

As an engineer, you would want to procure the right grade of TMT bars for the right project. That is why you can also choose pure TMT bars of grade Fe-500 for residential construction buildings in highly adverse construction areas. Like Fe-415, Fe-500 grade TMT bars are also available in three key varieties such as Fe-500, Fe-500S, and Fe-500D. The minimum yield stress of all of these varieties is 500 N/mm2. But, Fe-500S has the highest yield stress of 625 N/mm2. The minimum elongation percentage of Fe-500, Fe-500S and Fe-500D grade TMT bars are 12%, 16%, and 18%, respectively. The elongation percentage of the Fe-500 grade is much lesser than that of the Fe-415 grade. It ensures that the Fe-500 grade is effective for constructing homes that require a more sturdy structure.

Certification of TMT Bars

The leading TMT bars manufacturing companies produce pure TMT bars adhering to the ISO standard. One of the top-rated TMT bars manufacturing companies, Maan TMT, follows the IS: 1786 standard while manufacturing TMT bars. When you procure pure TMT bars from reputed TMT bars suppliers in Kolkata, you must check the certification details of the respective TMT bars. It will help you to get high-quality TMT bars without any hassle. 

If you want to be more ensured about the quality and other factors, you can visit the factory of Maan TMT bars. You can communicate with the company personnel to understand the TMT bar’s different intricacies to ensure the procured bar adheres to high-quality standards.

High Ductility of TMT Bars

The unique manufacturing process of TMT bars makes its outer layer tempered mercantile and inner core ductile ferrite-pearlite. It makes the TMT bars highly bendable and flexible. The formation of rib structure in the outer layer is an added advantage that helps to form strong bonds with the concrete. 

But, the important part is the core portion of the TMT bars remains ductile. This property of the TMT bars makes it easier for the bar to absorb seismic waves, high heat, and severe cold. This way, it enhances the sustainability of the building. The flexibility allows the bars to elongate and contract within the limit so that concrete does not develop cracks or breakage. 

Apart from this, the high ductility of TMT bars helps to develop modern residential projects, which require twisting and turning the TMT bars to fit modern architecture. Therefore, while procuring TMT bars from leading TMT bars manufacturing companies, make sure that the product is ductile enough to meet the purpose of constructing residential projects. 

Corrosion Resistance of TMT Bars

If you are constructing a residential building, you must make it corrosion-resistant. That is why choosing the pure TMT bars holds high significance. Maan TMT bars pass through different corrosion resistance tests, which ensure their optimum corrosion resistance quality. Do not forget to check the rib structure of TMT bars. When the concrete is applied to TMT bars, the rib structure helps to form a strong bond. It reduces the scope of the presence of air and water between concrete and pure TMT bars. This way, the structure reduces the chances of developing rust due to the presence of water particles. Thus, engineers can ensure the sustainability of the construction. 

Cost of TMT Bars

Leading TMT bars manufacturers offer different TMT bars at different prices. As an engineer, you must source the most affordable and high-quality TMT bars to make the project feasible. Maan TMT is one of the top-rated TMT bar manufacturers in Kolkata. It offers different grades of TMT bars at an affordable price. If you source the pure TMT bars from Maan TMT, you would not be required to bear the risk of the high price of the TMT bars. Moreover, you will not need to compromise on quality. Otherwise, keeping the balance between cost and quality is challenging to procure TMT bars efficiently. 

These are the key aspects you should consider while procuring TMT steel bars for constructing residential projects. Reputed TMT bars suppliers can offer you different brands of TMT bars. You must be aware that all leading TMT bars manufacturing companies follow a similar process for making TMT bars. Then, why would you pay extra money to procure pure TMT bars at a high price? Maan TMT is one of the leading TMT bar manufacturers in Kolkata, which offer high-quality TMT bars at an affordable price. If you procure pure TMT bars from this company, you can make your project cost-efficient, feasible and sustainable. Therefore, make the right choice based on the right information collected from reliable sources. You will surely make a mark in the industry.